Blog Tour Stop: The Guys are Props Club by Ingrid Seymour

The Guys Are Props Club - Ingrid Seymour
The Guys Are Props Club
by Ingrid Seymour
During her senior year in high school, Maddie Burch promised herself not to ever fall for a cute guy – or any guy – again. Cute guys are players and not to be trusted, a fact she learned the hard way when her first boyfriend ran her heart through a paper shredder. Two years later, her promise is still intact, and she’s determined to make it through college without falling victim to another creep. She has her job, school and The Guys Are Props Club to keep her mind and hormones in check.
The club was founded by Jessica, Maddie’s best friend. It is a sisterhood of girls who have fallen prey to heartless jerks and who have vowed to turn the tables. Once a semester, Jessica requires members to “do onto others as they’ve done unto you.” Setting the example, Jessica’s next play is Sebastian Capello, a theater major with heartthrob looks and a flair for Latin dance, whose heart she plans to break the way hers was once broken.
What the friends don’t know is that Sebastian is different. Despite his perfect looks and popularity, he’s not a jerk. He doesn’t play games to get his way. Instead, he keeps it real and goes after what he wants with honest intentions. And what he wants is not a bombshell like Jessica, but a down-to-earth girl like Maddie – even if it causes a riff in the girl’s friendship. Even if it means getting Maddie to break her personal vow.
*** Due to language and sexual situations this book is recommended for ages 17 and older. ***

Book Info

Title: The Guys Are Props Club
Author: Ingrid Seymour
Date of Publication: July 15, 2013
Genre: New Adult Contemporary Romance
Source:  I received this book from the author in exchange for my review.

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Author Info & Links

Ingrid Seymour loves, loves, loves to write. Her favorite genres are Young Adult and New Adult fiction.  Her debut novel “The Guys Are Props Club” is an NA contemporary romance which she immensely enjoyed writing.  Her favorite outings involve a trip to the library or bookstore where she immediately gravitates toward the YA section. She’s an avid reader and fangirl of many amazing books. She’s sure that one day she’ll see one of her books made into a movie. She likes to dream big ;)
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I was totally iffy about reading this book after I read the blurb, but once I started I was in!!  Down for the count... blah blah blah leave me alone so I can read!  You all know exactly what I mean!
Now... about this book, I really did enjoy it!  The characters are well developed and well written.  I was totally inside this story - about halfway through and I was still not sure about Sebastian's actual feelings or how to read him.  Seriously, it was like I was in Maddie's place, right beside her, trying to figure it out with her.  I seriously wasn't sure if he was legit or just a player like we thought.  Ummmm Jessica...  holy shit Jessica!  I hate Jessica!  Totally, seriously hate her, and I have not hated a book character possibly ever...  so I was enthralled with this author's ability to write a character that got this kind of reaction out of me as a reader!  It was great!!  The writing is good, and the flow of the story is awesome.  I really enjoyed the editing - I guess you'd call it - I mean I liked how the stupid shit is left out... Does that make sense?  Some books give you a freaking play by play and it just drags on and on and on without going anywhere... This one doesn't do that and it doesn't feel like I'm missing anything.  
Now... the sexy boy in this story Sebastian.  He is soooooooo hot; and it comes through the pages on FIRE (sang like Fall Out Boy's song).  
**side note - am I the only one who can no longer say or think the word fire without singing it like FOB does?!  Kind of like Jason Derulo <-- you all know exactly what I'm talking about)
I loved Hunter - so sweet and innocent.  He provided an awesome side in the story for me.
to sum up my thoughts, here is an update from 2/3s into the story:
62% update: ahhhhhhh the suspense is killing me... I know shit is going to hit the fan - it always freaking does with someone like Jessica around - I'm going to lose a finger if I keep biting my nails!
I was like that the entire time reading - like I said it sucked me in and didn't let me go until the end.
Be sure to check this one out!!


 “Of course it is. Friends,” again he gave the word a deeper meaning than it should have, “are honest with each other. Right?” “Yeah, honest,” I said under my breath. No one was being honest at this table. I worked on my meal, trying not to look like I was hurrying. I needed to keep my exposure to Sebastian as brief as possible. Rule No.9: Recognize when you’re in over your head.


Grand Prize: Kindle Fire (US/Can/UK only) with The GAP Club / Equivalent Amazon GC if INTL
Second Prize: signed paperback (INTL)
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until next time,