Blog Tour: Secret Maneuvers (Ex Ops Series, Book #1) by Jessie Lane

Tour Wide Giveaway | Guest Post | Review
Sooooooooo I love this author and I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!! I can't wait for you all to check it out and let me know what you think!!
Some mistakes from the past haunt us forever... unless fate steps in with a second chance.
One 'dear John' letter haunts Bobby Baker's every living moment. It’s the letter he stupidly wrote to his high school sweetheart, Belle, right after he left to join the Army. The letter that he told her that he wasn't so sure if they were ready for forever yet. But before he can let her know that the letter, and his second thoughts, are nothing but a mistake, she up and disappears from the small Georgia town they were both raised in.
Fifteen years later, Belle unknowingly walks back into Bobby's life when her job as an ATF Agent forces her to work with a group of men secretly headed by the CIA to help her track down whoever is involved in funneling black market weapons to a drug cartel in Mexico.
Bobby will use this mission to try and soothe Belle's hurt feelings while proving to her that their love is still meant for forever. He'll use every dirty trick he's learned since he joined the Army to maneuver her back into his life for the long haul. But Belle's not making it easy as she keeps him at arm's length in the hopes that mistakes of her own never come to light.
Book Info:
Title: Secret Maneuvers
Series: Ex Ops - Book #1
Author: Jessie Lane
Format: eBook
Expected Publication Date: June 15, 2013
Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
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My Rating:
5 Stars
Guest Post:
Interrogation Techniques: The Smooth Talker
Appearances are always deceiving. And I do mean always. I met Declan Sullivan over three years ago, and it never ceases to amaze me how quickly he can sweet talk anyone into getting anything he wants. Absolutely anything. The guy’s a pro. A cocky one at that. He can talk a young woman on the verge of taking her vows of celibacy at a convent to throw caution to the wind and shout “Fuck It!” Or better yet,“PLEASE FUCK ME”. Riley and I actually had a bet with him that he couldn’t pull that one off. We lost a hundred bucks, each. But that story is for a different time. Declan, Riley, and I first met in what some would call an “Interview” process for our current employer, the Ex Ops Team. But don’t think we all sat around in suits and ties answering routine questions about what we thought our best qualities were. No,actually it was a bunch of aptitude and PT testing. How fast can you run ten miles? How fast can you put bullet holes in these targets? If captured by the enemy, will you scream like a little bitch, or man up and remain silent? By the way, does this ink blob look like just an ink blob, or do you images in the blob that may mean you’re just a tad psychotic? If you want a more visual reference, think of the movie ‘Armageddon’ and the process the drillers went through in order to go into space times ten on steroids. That would be about right. Anyway, I got paired with Declan right off the bat. The guy had me spilling my guts about my past within the hour. The Sneaky bastard. But, I guess if you have to bare all to at least one person in your life,wouldn't it be to the one guy whom you know that would have your back in the most dangerous situations? After we’d all been through a full day of push ups, pistols and pushy ass drill sergeant wannabe’s, I was directed to wait in a room at the end of the hall until our “interview” could go on to the next stage. Opening the door to said room, I found Declan waiting in a shabby conference room that had dust motes attacking every surface in full force, causing my nose to twitch so I wouldn’t sneeze. I walked in and watched him pushing the dust around with the tip of his finger. He must have been bored because he was instructing someone to “clean me” in the dust topped shitty looking table he was sitting in front of in a wood paneled room with dim lighting. Declan looked up at me, ran his eyes over from head to toe before going back to my face, and then shook his head before going back to his masterpiece. I didn’t even make it to my seat before he said, “Read you like a book, man.” Suddenly on guard, I asked. “Really? And what is it that you think you see Sullivan?” “You're lost bro. Simply lost.” Waving a finger around in the air pointed in my direction,“Well, at least your part of you is.” I looked down at myself, noted everything was still intact and in working order, and then shot him a puzzled look. “I think you got a screw loose. I’m not lost man.” Declan leaned towards me over the table and looked me straight in the eyes. “Dude, you’ve got to be shitting me. Trust me, I’ve seen that look before. You’re lost, and you’ve been trying to find your way back for a long ass time from the looks of it.” Moving away so that he was sprawled in a lazy manner in his chair, he folded his hands over his flat stomach and gave me a look I imagine most Psychiatrists gave their patients. “So why don’t you tell me all about this girl that’s been plaguing your mind.” I couldn’t help but laugh at him for his elaborate change in accent so that he now had a strong Irish parody in his otherwise surfer boy dialogue. Shaking my head, and giving a mirthless laugh in total disbelief that this guy had in fact read me like a book.“Well, her name is Belle.”
My Review:
So... like I said, I loved this book and I really think you will too! These characters are awesome and the story line seriously blew me away.
I connected with these characters from the beginning and was totally in love with Belle & Bobby (better known as Ace). Their past completely shaped their present and I couldn't have asked for better twists and Holy Shit moments throughout this story! Seriously - I was taken away to their world through the entire book, heartbroken a few times by each of them, and completely in love with the story from the first paragraph. I love all the different people in this book - the Ex Ops team especially - I love their interaction with Bobby. They are his family and who he goes to ... well at least who he listens to for advice, even though most of it is unsolicited. Each person in this book is complicated and tough and smart. You are shown this story from both sides, Belle and Bobby, and I absolutely LOVED this aspect of the book.
The writing in this book has only improved from the previous works I've read from this author. The flow was really really good and the pace was great. I have been finding myself bored with some of my reads and that they are lagging and stalling out for me - that was SO NOT the case with Secret Maneuvers! I couldn't put it down and didn't even take time to post updates on GR like I normally do. Yep... I was so into this book that I didn't even update on GR or any type of social media - shocking right!? Based on that alone, you know you need to read this book! Plus it's a series and look at that cover - it's HOT.
Need I go on... didn't think so.
I am soooooooooooo looking forward to the next books in this series! I can't wait to see the other stories that are coming!!
I have loved this author since I first read their YA novel The Burning Star (that review is right here) and each book I've read from Jessie Lane since has just gotten better. So please check out this author!!
Now... I am going to leave you with my impressions through this story via gif! You know how much I just love them so...
~~Prize Information~~
Secret Maneuvers ebook
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Tour Schedule:
June 15th: Under The Covers Book Blog - Review
June 16th: TwoGirls Reading - Spotlight/Review
June 17th: Happily Ever After Reads - Guest Post
June 18th: Flirting With Romance - Interview
June 19th: Addicted to Romance - Guest Post
June 20th: Curse of the Bibliophile - Spotlight/Review
June 21st: Proserpine Craving Books - Interview/Review
June 22nd: For the Love of Bookends - Spotlight/Review
June 23rd: Ramblings From This Chick - Guest Post/Review
June 24th: The Jeep Diva - Interview/Review
June 25th: My Reading Obsession - Review
June 26th: Book Nerds Anonymous - Guest Post/Review
June 27th: Nina’s Literary Escape - Spotlight
June 28th: Mrs Condit & Friends Read Books - Guest Post/Review
June 29th: Fictional Candy - Review
June 30th: Read Me - Review
July 1st: Book Lovin’ Mamas -Spotlight/Review
July 2nd: Romancing the Book - Interview
July 3rd: The Book Whisperer - Guest Post/Review
July4th: Cocktails and Books - Guest Post
July 5th: Book Savvy Babes - Guest Post/Review
July 6th: Book Devotee Reviews - Spotlight/Review
July 7th: Swept Away by Romance - Guest Post/Review
July 8th: Little Read Riding Hood - Guest Post
July 9th: Supernatural Snark - Interview
July 10th: Riverina Romantics - Guest Post
July 11th: A Novel Review - Review
July 12th: Beach Bum Reads - Spotlight/Review
July 13th: Adria’s Romance Reviews - Interview
July 14th: Random Jendsmit - Guest Post/Review
July 15th: Reading Between the Wines Book Club - Guest Post
About the Author:

Crystal and Melissa often live half their lives with their heads in the clouds dreaming of alpha military hunks, werewolves and kick ass heroines crazy enough to chase after creatures that they unquestionably should know better than to chase.
Their first YA novel, The Burning Star, was released in May 2012. Big Bad Bite is their second novel, but their first adult paranormal romance. They are now working on their next two novels, Walk On The Striped Side and Secret Maneuvers. With these projects underway, they are looking forward to showing the rest of the world their crazy stories, heroes and heroines that often plague their minds until written, and hope you will join them on their journey!
until next time, xo jen