Review | Recipe for Satisfaction by Gina Gordon

Recipe for Satisfaction  - Gina Gordon

Recipe for Satisfaction

By Gina Gordon


Cover & Blurb: 

Being the financial caretaker for her deadbeat parents isn’t the life professional organizer Sterling Andrews dreamed of. Tired of being the dependable—and boring—daughter, Sterling decides to have a little fun. And what could be more fun than seducing rich bad boy chef, Jack Vaughn? Except, after one scintillating night together, Sterling’s not only lusting for Jack, she’s working for him. And remaining professional becomes harder every day.
Already a major success thanks to his exclusive restaurants, Jack Vaughn is looking for something more. Ultra responsible Sterling is unlike anyone Jack has met…but she’s his employee. Unwilling to give her up, Jack makes Sterling an offer she can’t refuse—for four sexy weekends, he’ll indulge her most wicked fantasies with no professional strings attached. But will mixing business with pleasure spell disaster? Or will they find the recipe for satisfaction?

Book Info:

Kindle Edition, 273 pages
Published January 1st 2013 by Entangled Publishing
ISBN13  9781622669752


Review Galley provided by publisher (Brazen – an Entangled imprint) in exchange for my honest review.

Series Info:

Madewood Brothers

Book #1:  Recipe for Satisfaction (Jack’s Story)
Book #2:  Recipe for Attraction (Neil’s Story)
Book #3:  Recipe for Seduction (Finn’s Story)
Book #4:  Untitled (Cole’s Story)

My Rating:


Review in a few words: 

Awesome Characters | Brothers | Hot Boys | Sexy Story | Well Developed

Review Details: 

Men who can cook… and are sexy as hell… and have tats… and ride motorcycles… whelp yes all of that is in this book – need I say more?!  I thought not ;)
Jack Vaughn and his brothers are delicious – smart, sexy, amazing, etc etc etc.  I can’t wait to read the other three stories in this series.
I absofuckinglutely loved Sterling as well – she is awesome!  She’s funny, strong, determined, vulnerable, and beautiful in an unassuming way.  I want to be her friend!  I loved that she stepped outside her comfort zone and was soooooooo rewarded for it.  She figured out through the story what she really wanted and what she really needed – from a guy and from herself.  I love that this story, although totally sexy and delicious, was really about a woman and a man figuring themselves out. 
Ummmm…. Lemme see – I can’t say too much more since I don’t want to spoil this for you all!  I will give you a few of my favorite quotes from the story, along with a little song that I had running through my head the ENTIRE story.  Trust me – read it and you’ll figure it out ;)

Quote #1 from page 92 of my Review Galley:

“She needed to get back on her own horse.  And boy did she need someone to saddle her up good.  And fast.  And hard.  And – shut it, Sterling.  Pull up your professional pants and get back to work.”
This just had me laughing so hard – out loud might I add – I just loved Sterling’s internal dialogue <3

Quote #2 from page 96 of my Review Galley:

“He grabbed at the neck of his shirt and pulled it over his head.
Sweet.  Mother.  Mary.  So worth it.”

Now, this is out of context here but I can’t give you all of it since it would tell you too much – let me just tell you this… Sterling is thinking this, not saying it, about Jack.


Quote #3 from page 81 of my Review Galley:

“He was sex on a stick and she wanted to lick him like a lollipop”

This is what prompted the song below to run through my head the entire story… oh and this is kind of a random video… the song actually starts at 2:15 into the video, but check it out…


Buy it:

Author Info:

“Meet Gina” (taken from her website)

When her dream of becoming a mafia princess didn’t pan out, Gina Gordon went after her second dream…becoming a writer. And she hasn’t looked back.
Gina, a self-proclaimed happily ever after junkie and cupcake connoisseur, loves spinning contemporary tales of knee bending first kisses, unconditional love and super-hot sex. She broke out onto the romance scene with her #1 Amazon Bestselling erotic short story Her Five Favorite Words that’s been called a “deliciously naughty tale” by Joyfully Reviewed.
When not chained to her computer, you can find Gina sipping Starbucks, making cupcakes or feeding her addiction to celebrity gossip. She lives in Milton, Ontario with her husband and lovable dog.

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until next time,