City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)

City of Bones - Cassandra Clare First of all - I LOVE THIS BOOK!

This is the book that got me back into reading...

This is the first book in TMI series - this books introduces you to Clary, Jace, Izzie, Alec, Magnus, Simon, Luke, etc etc etc :)

I love this book for its story line, characters, and general greatness - LOL.

Story starts in a club where Demons, Shadowhunters, Humans, and others interact - Here is where we are first introduced to Clary who just starts being able to see what Simon and others can't, specifically, Clary sees Jace, Alec and Izzie dispatch a demon in a back room of the club. Clary is trying ot make sense of this new world and these new people in her world and then her mother disappears... Clary finds herself in the middle of everything and has to figure out what to do and who to ask for help. In all of this action, a few romances bloom...

AGAIN - I love this book for its story line, characters, and general greatness!

Happy reading!